T-3: cushion the impact’s Christmas Eve Checklist

BY Sue Williamson

With only three more sleeps before Santa comes, we are willing to bet that the pre-Christmas excitement has reached fever pitch in your house. Whether you have small children or not, you will have had plenty to do in preparation for the big day, and most of it should be done by now.

If you are feeling slightly less than confident in your organisation skills and are beginning to panic that something vital hasn’t been done, use this checklist to make sure everything you need to do on Christmas Eve is done.

Once you’ve ticked off the last task, remember to fit in a little R&R for yourself before Monday’s chaos!

cushion the impact Christmas Eve Checklist: 

  • Buy flowers for the house and table decoration.
  • Wrap any remaining gifts.
  • Run through menus and confirm you have all ingredients.
  • Buy final perishable food items.
  • Collect turkey, goose, duck, seafood etc.
  • Gather all gifts for children’s stockings.
  • Set table.
  • Take turkey out of ‘fridge, replace with wine.
  • Remove wishbone from turkey.
  • Check timings for cooking turkey and Christmas lunch: create timetable if necessary and make sure you know how long things take to cook (yes I am speaking from experience!)
  • Contact cushion the impact to buy a gift voucher for that one person you haven’t managed to buy for yet! Call before midday today to receive your voucher in time for Christmas.

Now that’s all done, it’s time to look after yourself.  You’ve done all the preparation; now make sure you take the time to enjoy Christmas Day before it is over for another year.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours from all of us at cushion the impact.

cushion the impact  provides award winning personal and virtual assistance and customised lifestyle management for hard working and hard living individuals and small business owners.  We know there aren’t enough hours in the day, so let us help you live an organised, efficient, & fulfilling life. Take a deep breath & call us today.  Your personal service awaits!!

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