The Case For Women-Only Business Networking – Andrea in The Guardian
We’ve known she was a star for quite some time but our very own Andrea is famous (again!). This time, she’s been interviewed by The Guardian.
In case you haven’t seen it, here’s what Andrea has to say about the case for women-only business networks.
As the article shows, there is, unfortunately, still a need for women-only networks, no matter how much the business world (thinks it) has moved on. One of Susan’s university lecturers commented last week “if we set up a men-only network, we’d be in trouble”, which we think perfectly illustrates the common lack of understanding.
What do you think? Should there be women only networks? What are your experiences of networking (women-only or otherwise)? We’d love to hear how you found it and how you feel about women only business networks. Add a comment and let us know.
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