National Work Life Week 2017

BY Sue Williamson

We’ve all heard about the importance of a good work-life balance, and you’re bound to be more than familiar with the benefits of spending more time doing what you love. Loving your work doesn’t mean spending more time there counts, by the way! If you’ve been meaning to put more emphasis on play, and time with your loved ones, National Work Life Week gives you the ideal opportunity to put that into practise.

National Work Life Week 2017

National Work Life Week is an annual event organised by Working Families, with the objective of making it easier for both employees and employers to change their habits for the better, and for the good of their overall wellbeing. If you’re already excellent at it, here’s your chance to show off how fantastic your flexible working practises are too.

If you’d like to get involved, there are some handy resources on the Working Families website.

This year’s event runs from 2nd to 6th October, so why not get started by promising yourself you’ll go home on time at least once this week, and sticking to it?

General ideas and conversation about National Work Life Week 2017 can be accessed on social media using #WorkLifeWeek or following Working Families on Twitter @workingfamuk

Finally, if you’re really struggling to boost the “home” part of your work-life balance, get in touch to find out how we could shoulder some of your burden.

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