National Work Life Week and Go Home on Time Day 2016

BY Sue Williamson

As firm believers in a strong work-life balance, we were delighted to learn of Working Families’ National Work Life Week, and to discover that it’s happening again in 2016.

Mark 3rd-7th October in your calendar right now, as this is the week when you are going to focus on your family, your hobbies, that much-neglected gym membership and anything else you’d rather be doing than chaining yourself to a desk. You still need to work, of course, but it’s the perfect opportunity to create new habits, improve your time management and create more time for  everything important in your life.

Naturally, we shall be leading by example and doing the same ourselves!

Wednesday 5th is perhaps the most important day of the event – Go Home On Time Day.

The Working Families website has plenty of downloadable resources to help you to celebrate the benefits of work-life balance, and tips for ensuring your employees do too.

There’s plenty of time to start streamlining inefficient process, managing your diary and getting everything in order for the launch of the new you during National Work Life Week, so get started today.

To help you take the first steps to achieving a balanced life, here are a couple of our top tips:

  • Start valuing your personal time and breaking that habit of staying in the office a couple of hours late every day. No matter who you are and what you do, your work is NOT the most important aspect of your life.
  • Never schedule meetings for the last hour of the day – keep this time aside for tying up loose ends and preparing for tomorrow.
  • Don’t take work home with you but DO use your commuting time to check, respond and delete emails using your phone or tablet. Just remember to switch it off as soon as you get home and not to do it when driving!
  • Enlist our expert help to tweak those processes, stamp out those bad habits and make your life as productive and efficient as it can be. You may be amazed by what we can achieve together.

Now that you have decided to honour the event (you have, haven’t you?), all you need to do is pick something fabulous to do with your free time. What will it be?

cushion the impact  provides award winning personal and virtual assistance and customised lifestyle management for hard working and hard living individuals and small business owners.  We know there aren’t enough hours in the day, so let us help you live an organised, efficient, & fulfilling life. Take a deep breath & call us today.  Your personal service awaits!!


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